The Voices
Welcome! Come sing with us 
Always wanted to sing? Not so sure about how you sound? Let us help you...
This could be the opportunity you’ve been looking for: Voices workshops will get you up and singing instantly. And you’ll have a great time doing it!
Relax and let The Voices’ experienced teachers guide you through simple voice production techniques. We’ll be sharing songs, singing styles, harmonies and more in a supportive environment where every voice is valued.
The voice is deeply linked to sense of self, so our workshops build your confidence to make new sounds, to be heard, and to have fun with your voice.
With a little help, you’ll be amazed what you can do.

What people say … 
"It was really excellent. Exactly what I needed and even better than I thought it might be."
"This workshop has shown me that I actually can sing so now I do it everywhere."
“Love your work – it’s very healing good fun – it’s not too structured, yet structured enough – I love it. I felt really safe and guaranteed a good laugh.”