I’m thrilled to have been accepted as one of the IPEd Assessors for the 2011 exam!
This means that I will get to work with fabulous editors from around Australia to develop the exam for next year. And I’ll get to be a Secret Keeper – just like in the Potterverse – so there probably won’t be any more blogs on this particular topic!
Working with other editors is an all-too-rare professional joy. Exploring issues of national significance with distinguished colleagues was one of the delights of my term as President of the Society of Editors (Qld) in 2001–02, during which I was also delegate to the Council of Australian Editors, which later developed into the Institute of Professional Editors, or IPEd for short. Renée Otmar was a delight to work with then, and I look forward to working with her again. This will be my first chance to work with the others of the team, and I look forward, in particular, to getting to know Heather Jamieson, the team leader, and Susan Wales, with whom I’ll be working closely.
As well as marvellous professional development for me, I also welcome another chance to give back to the profession that’s been so good to me.